Apes Invade Devcon VI in Bogota, Colombia with Cross Chain Coalition

This past October, the Ape team attended Devcon VI 2022 in Bogota, Colombia; we knew it would be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in blockchain technology. But we didn't realize how much the conference would change and bring us even closer to our community. From the moment we arrived at the airport, we were awestruck by Bogota's vibe and culture. As we walked through the streets of this vibrant city, we could feel its energy pulsing through us—and we knew that this trip would be unlike any other. Afterall, dancing and coding into the wee hours of the morning is a developer’s paradise, right?

Devcon VI: Come As You Are and Be Respectful

Our mission is building bridges in blockchain in our community. We were proud sponsors of the Womxn Leaders Community Hub and led mini Ape Academy workshops and demos. We also had the pleasure of welcoming new cross-chain connections with Curve Finance and LayerZero.

Here are 3 Key Takeaways:

  1. Vyper is the language of future smart contracts languages.
  2. MEV Maximum Extractable Value is a hot topic and the key to decentralized finance, so you should watch Phil's chat on SUAVE here.
  3. Security features and wallet interactions are becoming increasingly important as we move into a world of decentralized identity and permissionless systems.